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[Arduino Portenta Vision Shield : Ethernet] 정품 아두이노 포르텐타 비전 쉴드 이더넷



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[Arduino Portenta Vision Shield : Ethernet] 정품 아두이노 포르텐타 비전 쉴드 이더넷
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Arduino Portenta Vision Shield - Ethernet


The Portenta Vision Shield brings industry-rated features to your Arduino Portenta. This hardware add-on will let you run embedded computer vision applications, connect wirelessly or via Ethernet to the Arduino Cloud or your own infrastructure, and activate your system upon the detection of sound events.


The shield comes with:

  • a 320x320 pixels camera sensor: use one of the cores in Portenta to run image recognition algorithms using the OpenMV for Arduino editor
  • a 100 Mbps Ethernet connector: get your Portenta H7 connected to the wired Internet
  • two on-board microphones for directional sound detection: capture and analyse sound in real time
  • JTAG connector: perform low-level debugging of your Portenta board or special firmware updates using an external programmer
  • SD-Card connector: store your captured data in the card, or read configuration files

The Vision Shield Ethernet has been designed to work with the Arduino Portenta H7. The Portenta boards feature multicore 32-bit ARM® Cortex™ processors running at hundreds of megahertz, with megabytes of program memory and RAM. Portenta boards come with WiFi and Bluetooth. Purchase this Shield together with the Portenta H7 for full performance.



Embedded Computer Vision Made Easy

Arduino has teamed up with OpenMV to offer you a free license to the OpenMV IDE, an easy way into computer vision using MicroPython as a programming paradigm. Download the OpenMV for Arduino Editor from our professional tutorials site and browse through the examples we have prepared for you inside the OpenMV IDE. Companies across the whole world are already building their commercial products based on this simple-yet-powerful approach to detect, filter, and classify images, QR codes, and others.



QR code detection example  



Blob analysis example

Debugging With Professional Tools

Connect your Portenta H7 to a professional debugger through the JTAG connector. Use professional software tools like the ones from Lauterbach or Segger on top of your board to debug your code step by step. The Vision Shield exposes the required pins for you to plug in your external JTAG.

Getting Started

The Portenta tutorials section at the Arduino Pro website contains all the information you need to configure the Portenta H7, as well as the Vision Shield, and the OpenMV editor for computer vision applications .

Need Help?

Check the Arduino Forum for questions about the Arduino Language, or how to make your own Projects with Arduino. Need any help with your board please get in touch with the official Arduino User Support as explained in our Contact Us page.


You can find here your board warranty information.





The Arduino Vision Shield is an active add-on to the Portenta family of boards.

Camera Himax HM-01B0 camera module (manufacturer site)
Resolution 320 x 320 active pixel resolution with support for QVGA
Image sensor High sensitivity 3.6μ BrightSense™ pixel technology
Microphone 2 x MP34DT05 (datasheet)
Length 66 mm
Width 25 mm
Weight 11 gr






Learn more about the Arduino Portenta Vision Shield - LoRa® using the following files:





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