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[Arduino Pro - Nicla Vision] 정품 아두이노 프로 니클라 비젼



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[Arduino Pro - Nicla Vision] 정품 아두이노 프로 니클라 비젼
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Arduino Pro - Nicla Vision


Nicla Vision allows you to build your next smart project. Ever wanted an automated house? Or a smart garden? Well, now it's easy with the Arduino IoT Cloud compatible boards. It means: you can connect devices, visualize data, control and share your projects from anywhere in the world. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, we have a wide range of plans to make sure you get the features you need.

Nicla Vision combines a powerful STM32H747AII6 Dual ARM® Cortex® M7/M4 IC processor with a 2MP color camera that supports TinyML, as well as a smart 6-axis motion sensor, integrated microphone and distance sensor.
You can easily include it into any project because it's designed to be compatible with all Arduino Portenta and MKR products, fully integrates with OpenMV, supports MicroPython and also offers both WiFi and Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity. It's so compact – with its 22.86 x 22.86 mm form factor – it can physically fit into most scenarios, and requires so little energy it can bepowered by battery for standalone applications. 

All of this makes Nicla Vision the ideal solution to develop or prototype with on-device image processing and machine vision at the edge, for asset tracking, object recognition, predictive maintenance and more – easier and faster than ever. Train it to spot details, so you can focus on the big picture.


Key benefits include:
  • Tiny form factor of 22.86 x 22.86 mm
  • Powerful processor to host intelligence on the edge
  • Packed with a 2MP color camera that supports TinyML, smart 6-axis motion sensor, microphone and distance sensor
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® Low Energy connectivity
  • Supports MicroPython
  • Standalone when battery powered
  • Expand existing project with sensing capabilities, make MV prototyping faster
Automate anything

Check every product is labeled before it leaves the production line; unlock doors only for authorized personnel, and only if they are wearing PPE correctly; use AI to train Nicla Vision to regularly check analog meters and beam readings to the Cloud; teach it to recognize thirsty crops and turn the irrigation on when needed.
Anytime you need to act or make a decision depending on what you see, let Nicla Vision watch, decide and act for you.

Feel seen

Interact with kiosks with simple gestures, create immersive experiences, work with cobots at your side. Nicla Vision allows computers and smart devices to see you, recognize you, understand your movements and make your life easier, safer, more efficient, better.

Keep an eye out

Let Nicla Vision be your eyes: detecting animals on the other side of the farm, letting you answer your doorbell from the beach, constantly checking on the vibrations or wear of your industrial machinery.
It's your always-on, always precise lookout, anywhere you need it to be.

Need Help?

Check the Arduino Forum for questions about the Arduino Language, or how to make your own Projects with Arduino. If you need any help with your board, please get in touch with the official Arduino User Support as explained in our Contact Us page.


You can find your board warranty information here.

Pinout Diagram


Learn more


Get Inspired

Count elevator passengers with the Nicla Vision and Edge Impulse September 27, 2022

Modern elevators are powerful, but they still have a payload limit. Most will contain a plaque with the maximum number of passengers (a number based on their average weight with lots of room for error). But nobody has ever read the capacity limit when stepping into an elevator or worried about exceeding it. In reality, manufacturers build their elevators to a size that prevents an excessive number of passengers. But as a demonstration, Nekhil R. put together a tutorial that explains how to use the Edge Impulse ML platform with an Arduino Nicla Vision board to count elevator passengers. The Nicla Vision is a new board built specifically for computer vision applications — especially those that incorporate machine learning. In its small footprint (less than a square inch), there is a powerful STM32H747AII6 microcontroller, a 2MP color camera, a six-axis IMU, a time of flight sensor, a microphone, WiFi and Bluetooth, and an onboard LiPo battery charger — and it's officially supported by Edge Impulse, making it well suited for ML projects. To build this passenger counter, all you need is the Nicla Vision, a buzzer, an LED, a push button, a power source, and the 3D-printable enclosure. The guide will walk you through how to train and deploy the object detection model, which is what Edge Impulse excels at. It lets you train a model optimized for microcontrollers and then outputs code that is easy to flash onto an Arduino. There are many optimization tricks involved, such as lowering the video resolution and processing the video as grayscale, but Edge Impulse takes care of all of the difficult work for you. After deploying your model to the Nicla Vision, you can mount this device anywhere in an elevator that gives you a view of the whole car. It keeps a running log of passenger counts, which you can visualize later in graphs or as raw data. If the device sees a passenger count that exceeds the set limit, it will flash the LED and sound the


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