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상세 정보

Seed Studio

[ODYSSEY] 블루 메탈 리컴퓨터 케이스 (오딧세이, 젯슨나노, 라즈베리파이 호환)



자체상품코드 P-T102 배송방법 택배 설명
상품 목록
상품 정보 가격 삭제
[ODYSSEY] 블루 메탈 리컴퓨터 케이스 (오딧세이, 젯슨나노, 라즈베리파이 호환)
바로 구매

오딧세이(ODYSSEY) 리컴퓨터 케이스 (라즈베리파이, 젯슨나노, 비글본 등 SBC 호환) [114992152]





The new batch of re_computer case contains compatible side panels for Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi 3 & 4, BeagleBone® Black & Green and Odyssey-X86J4105. Also includes all the standoffs and screws for installations so no need to purchase again.


If you want back-ups, please check here.






re_computer case using guide




  • It is compatible with all popular SBCs. The re_computer case can not only install the ODYSSEY - X86 board, we have designed and left screw holes for the installation of the most popular SBCs including Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone and Jetson Nano.
  • Removable top layer Acrylic
  • Stackable case structure for expansions





The re_computer case is specially designed for the re_computer system. It is more than just aesthetic, there are also great features:

It is compatible with all popular SBCs. The re_computer case can not only install the ODYSSEY - X86 board, we have designed and left screw holes for the installation of the most popular SBCs including Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone and Jetson Nano.


When installing these SBCs, please follow the instruction below and use the required screws and standoffs.

The top acrylic cover is removable. If you want to add a HAT or Cape on your SBC inside the case, there is no need to re-screw the whole case because the top acrylic layer is designed to be removed easily.

Stackable structure to extend endless possibilities for building different applications such as NAS. If your application requires more space, for example, adding more hard disks to make a NAS, the stackable structure allows you to stack more middle layers to create rooms very easily.

At Seeed, you can also design your solution all in one page where you choose the desired SBC, any compatible mission board (HATs, expansions) that you want, I/O modules, and nicely place them in the suitable enclosures/cases such as re_computer case. Rest assured, as we have tested full compatibility for all of the products listed on the page. Try it now here and save you time to find hardware compatibility! 


Part List

  • Acrylic Cover x 1
  • Aluminium Frame x 1
  • Heat Dissipation Base x 1
  • Side Panel x 8
  • Standoff x 8
  • Screw x 12
  • Screwdriver x 1
  • Button x 1
  • Assembly Manual x 1






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