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[라즈베리파이 글로벌셔터 카메라] Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera



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[라즈베리파이 글로벌셔터 카메라] Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera
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라즈베리파이 글로벌셔터 카메라 (Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera)

A camera for motion photography and machine vision

The Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera is a specialised 1.6-megapixel camera that is able to capture rapid motion without introducing artefacts typical of rolling shutter cameras. It is ideally suited to fast motion photography and to machine vision applications, where even small amounts of distortion can seriously degrade inference performance.

With a large pixel size of 3.45μm × 3.45μm providing high light sensitivity, the Global Shutter Camera can operate with short exposure times (as low as 30μs with adequate lighting), an advantage for high-speed photography.

It features a 1.6MP Sony IMX296 sensor, and it has the same C/CS-mount lens assembly as the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, for compatibility with the same broad variety of lenses. In common with other global shutter sensors, the IMX296 has a lower resolution than similarly sized rolling shutter sensors; a low pixel count is appropriate for machine vision applications, where high-resolution images are challenging to process in real time. The Global Shutter Camera's lower resolution means that with appropriate lens magnification, an image suitable for processing by a machine vision model can be captured natively.

The Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera includes a C- to CS-mount adapter, a screwdriver, and a 150mm ribbon cable, as well as a removable plastic back cover for protection. It is compatible with any Raspberry Pi computer that has a CSI connector.






  • Form factor: 38 × 38 × 19.8mm (29.5mm adapter and dust cap)
  • Weight: 34g (41g with adapter and dust cap)
  • Sensor: Sony IMX296LQR-C
  • Resolution: 1.58 megapixels (colour)
  • Sensor size: 6.3mm sensor diagonal
  • Pixel size: 3.45μm × 3.45μm
  • Output: RAW10
  • Back focus length of lens: Adjustable (12.5–22.4mm)
  • Lens standards: CS-Mount, C-Mount (C-CS adapter included)
  • IR cut filter: Integrated
  • Ribbon cable length: 150mm
  • Included accessories: C-CS mount adapter, screwdriver
  • Tripod mount: 1/4”-20








Cable compatibility

All models of Raspberry Pi Zero require a Raspberry Pi Zero camera cable to connect to the Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera; the standard cable supplied with the camera is not compatible with the smaller Raspberry Pi Zero camera connector. Suitable cables are available at low cost from many Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers, and are supplied with the Raspberry Pi Zero Case.




The Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera has undergone extensive compliance testing and meets a number of regional and international standards.

View and download relevant certificates and conformity documents.
If you require any further information regarding compliance, please contact us at compliance@raspberrypi.com.



Obsolescence Statement

Raspberry Pi Global Shutter Camera will remain in production until at least January 2032




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